profile and contact info
old and incomplete
Web network location software - scenarios of use
original project narrative
instructions of use
developers and advanced users - wiki
social life of issues workshops
design & media research fellowship, Jan van Eyck
preferred placement book
netlocator software
link language
the rogue and rogued video
information society initiative
lay decision support system
issue barometer
web issue index
election issue tracker

Full List

R. Rogers, "Internet Research: The Question of Method," Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 7, 2/3, 2010, 241-260. [pdf]

R. Rogers and A. Ben-David, "Coming to Terms: A conflict analysis of the usage, in official and unofficial sources, of 'security fence,' 'apartheid wall,' and other terms for the structure between Israel and the Palestinian Territories," Media, Conflict & War, 2, 3, 2010, 202-229. [pre-print]

R. Rogers, "Post-demografisch onderzoek: voorbij het doelgroepdenken." De Gids, 3, 2010, 344-355. [pdf]

R. Rogers, "Mapping Public Web Space with the Issuecrawler," in: Claire Brossard and Bernard Reber (eds.), Digital Cognitive Technologies: Epistemology and Knowledge Society. London: Wiley, 2010, 115-126. [pre-print pdf]

R. Rogers, F. Jansen, M. Stevenson and E. Weltevrede, "Social Research with the Web," Global Informaton Society Watch 2009, Association for Progressive Communications and Hivos, 2009. [pre-print pdf] [published version]

R. Rogers, The End of the Virtual: Digital Methods, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009. (38p) [pre-print pdf]

M. Stevenson and R. Rogers, "Digital Methods: First Steps," EASST Review, 28, 2, 2009, 4-6. [html]

R. Rogers, "Post-demographic Machines," in: Annet Dekker and Annette Wolfsberger (eds.), Walled Garden. Amsterdam: Virtueel Platform, 2009, 29-39. [pre-print pdf] [published version]

R. Rogers and A. Dekker, "Mapping ECulture, eCultuur, E-cultuur, or e-culture," in: Annet Dekker and Annette Wolfsberger (eds.), Mapping E-Culture. Amsterdam: Virtueel Platform, 2009, 10-15. [pdf]

R. Rogers, "The Googlization Question, and the Inculpable Engine," in K. Becker and F. Stalder (eds.), Deep Search: The Politics of Search Engines beyond Google, Edison, NJ: Transaction, 2009, 173-184. [pdf]

R. Rogers, "The Internet Treats Censorship as a Malfunction and Routes around it? A New Media Approach to the Study of State Internet Censorship," in J. Parikka and T. Sampson (eds.), The Spam Book: On Viruses, Porn, and Other Anomalies from the Dark Side of Digital Culture, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2009, 229-247. [pdf]

R. Rogers, "Consumer technology after surveillance theory," in J. Kooijman, P. Pisters and W. Strauven (eds.), Mind the Screen: Media Concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2008, 288-296. [pdf]

N. Marres and R. Rogers, "Subsuming the Ground: How Local Realities of the Ferghana Valley, Narmada Dams and BTC Pipeline are put to use on the Web," Economy & Society, 37, 2, 2008, 251-281 [pdf]

R. Rogers and A. Ben-David, "The Palestinian-Israeli peace process and trans-national issue networks: the complicated place of the Israeli NGO," New Media & Society, 10, 1, 2008, 41-72 [pdf] [summary]

R. Rogers, The Politics of Web Space (unpublished ms., 2008)

R. Rogers, "Faire la cartographie de l'espace public sur le Web à l'aide de Issuecrawler," Humanités Numérique, Vol. 1. Nouvelles technologies cognitives et épistémologie, Eds., C. Brossaud and B. Reber, Paris: Hermes, 2007, 117-127. [pdf]

Govcom.org, "Issue Celebrities," What Happens to the Issue when a Celebrity Endorses it?, 2007 (view story and movie)

N. Marres, "The Issue Deserves more Credit: Pragmatist Contributions to the Study of Public Involvement in Controversy," Social Studies of Science, 37, 5, 2007, 759-780. [pdf]

R. Rogers et al., Issue Mapping & Essay: "Public Media Projects and their Publics" (Ford Foundation with American University), 2007 [html]

N. Marres, "Net-Work is Format Work: Issue Networks as Sites of Global Civil Society Politics," in: Dean, J., Andersen, J. and Lovink, G., Reformatting Politics: Information Technology and Global Civil Society. New York: Routledge, 2006, pp. 3-18. [pdf]

R. Rogers and S. Niederer, "Consumer Technology After Surveillance Theory," 2006. [pdf]

Govcom.org, "The Places of Issues. Issue Crawler backend movie," Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, Exhibition, ZKM Center for Arts and Media, Karlsruhe, 2005. (view movie)

R. Rogers, "Old and New Media: Competition and Political Space," Theory &
, 8, 2, 2005. (pdf) (html) (newspapers publishing astroturf)

R. Rogers,
"Poignancy in the U.S. Political Blogsphere," Aslib Proceedings, 57, 4, 2005, 356-368. (pdf)

N. Marres and R. Rogers,
"Recipe for Tracing the Fate of Issues and their Publics on the Web," in B. Latour and P. Weibel, eds., Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005, 922-935. (pdf)

R. Rogers,
"New Media Effects: Do Formats Organize Networks?," Complexity, 10, 5, 2005, 22-34. (pdf) (abstract)

R. Rogers,
Information Politics on the Web, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004. (chapter one - pdf)

N. Marres and R. Rogers,
"Subsuming the Ground: How Local Realities of the Ferghana Valley, the Narmada Dams and the BTC Pipeline are put to use on the Web," Social Science Research Council, New York, unpublished ms., 2004. (pdf)

R. Rogers,
"When Public Debate Meets Government," EASST Review, 23, 1, March 2004.

R. Rogers,
"Why Map? The Techno-epistemological outlook," Media Design Research, Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschool Rotterdam, March 2004. (pdf)

N. Marres, Tracing the Trajectory of Issues and their Democratic Deficits on the Web: The Case of the Development Gateway and its Doubles, Information, Technology and People, 17, 2, 2004, 124-149. (pdf)

R. Rogers et al., "The News about Networks," Proceedings from the workshop, de Balie, Amsterdam, December 2003.

N. Marres,
Net-work is Format Work: The Issue-Network as a Site of Politics and the Challenge of Making Info-Technology Part of Civil Society (Memo), Social Science Research Council, New York 2003. (pdf)

R. Rogers et al.,
"The Problem of the Information Format (for Networks)," Proceedings from the workshop, Association of Progressive Communications (APC), Cartagena, Colombia, October 2003.

R. Rogers, "The Viagra Files: The Web as Anticipatory Medium," Prometheus, 21, 2, 2003, 195-212. (pdf)

N. Marres,
"May the true victim of defacement stand up! On reading the network configurations of scandal on the Web," in B. Latour and P. Weibel, eds., Iconoclash, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002, 486-489. (pdf)

N. Marres, "Why take the detour? A small exercise in tracing displacements of protest, and issues, accross the Web," Multitudes, 9, 2002. (html)

R. Rogers,
"Towards a Live Social Science on the Web," EASST Review, 21, 3/4, 2002, 8-11.

R. Rogers
, "Operating Issue Networks on the Web," Science as Culture, 11, 2, 2002, 191-214. (pdf)

R. Rogers and N. Marres
, "French scandals on the Web, and on the streets: A small experiment in stretching the limits of reported reality," Asian Journal of Social Science, 30, 2, 2002, 339-353. (pdf)

R. Rogers and A. Zelman
, "Surfing for Knowledge in the Information Society," in G. Elmer, ed., Critical Perspectives on the Internet, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, 63-86. (pdf)

R. Rogers
, ed., Preferred Placement - Knowledge Politics on the Web, Jan van Eyck Editions, Maastricht, 2000.

R. Rogers
, "Wissenschaftler-Internet-Selbstdarstellung," ("The Embarassment of the Web. Scientists' Personal Homepages"), Heureka, Vienna, May 2000, 18-19.

, "The Netlocator," Design & Media Research Fellowship, Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht, 1999-2000 (web network location software that returns co-linked sites and reveals networks of organizations around societal issues).

Govcom.org, "GM Food Debate Map," Design & Media Research Fellowship, Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht, 1999-2000, inserted in Preferred Placement. Revised 2005 (jpg) (pdf)

R. Rogers, "Internet & Society in Armenia & Azerbaijan? Web games and a chronicle of an infowar," FirstMonday, 5, 9, 2000, published simultaneously in the EASST Review, 19, 3, 2000, 3-7.

N. Marres and R. Rogers, "Depluralising the Web, Repluralising Public Debate. The GM Food Debate on the Web," in R. Rogers, ed., Preferred Placement, Jan van Eyck Editions, Maastricht, 2000, 113-135.

R. Rogers and I. Morris, "In the Bubble: Operating the Internet with Socio-Epistemological Logics," in R. Rogers, ed., Preferred Placement, Jan van Eyck Editions, Maastricht, 2000, 145-157.

R. Rogers and N. Marres, "Landscaping Climate Change: A mapping technique for understanding science & technology debates on the World Wide Web," Public Understanding of Science, 9, 2, 2000, 141-163. (pdf)

N. Marres and R. Rogers, "To Trace or to Rub? Screening the Web Navigation Debate," Mediamatic, 9/10, 4/1, 1999, 117-120.

R. Rogers, Technological Landscapes, Royal College of Art, London, 1999.

R. Rogers, "Whither Public Participation in Technology?," EASST Review, 17, 4, December 1998, 40-43.

R. Rogers, "Playing with Search Engines and making lowly information into knowledge," Mediamatic, 9, 2/3, 1998, 122-130.

R. Rogers, "An STS Meets the Academy of Museum Studies at the Science & Technology Center," EASST Review, 16, 4, December 1997, 13-16.

R. Rogers, "The Future of Science and Technology Studies on the Web," EASST Review, 15, 2, June 1996, 25-27.

